Saturday 26 May 2018


The ORDERED hint is one of the most powerful hints. It process the table of query in the sequential order listed in the FORM clause.
When the ORDERED hint is not used, Oracle may internally switch the driving table when compared to how tables are listed in the FROM clause (EXPLAIN PLAN can show how tables are accessed).


select /*+ ORDERED */ column1, …


select /*+ ORDERED */ empno, ename, dept.deptno
from emp, dept
where emp.deptno = dept.deptno
and dept.deptno = 1
and emp.empno = 7747;

Emp and dept have been analyzed (using the cost-based optimizer) and there are no indexes on both the table, the emp table is accessed first and the dept table is accessed second.


select /*+ ORDERED */ emp.empno, ename, dept.deptno, itemno
from emp, dept, orders
where emp.deptno = dept.deptno
and emp.empno = orders.empno
and dept.deptno = 1
and emp.empno = 7747
and orders.ordno = 40;;

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