Sunday 30 December 2012


Oracle Question for IBM

DIFFERENCE between subquries and co-related sub quries..
How u find which process is running in unix environment?
Whether grep() provide no of times of patrren searching?
Difference b/w procedure and function?
Joins-----types –with explanation
Scenario to find quries using outer joins
Highest & lowest salary values
Find the second maximum salary
Db links
Datatypes in sql
Package advantages
Trigeer –types
Nvl function
Advantages og 10g
Function,procedure difference
Cursor types
How to debug a procedure
Difference b/w union and union all?
Without producing a link how u send data to frontend manually?
Through mail
How to find how many records it fetched?
How u get where error is occurred in code?
What is data dictionary?
Single row,multi row functions/
Difference b/n view and materialized view?
Psuedo columns
Decode ()
Sequence, advantages
Explain set operations?
Inline function()
Difference b/n nullif and nvl2
Difference b/n dbms and rdbms
Diffence b/n count(1),count(*)

1. count(1)
2. count(*)
3. count(rowid)
the answer is 1 and 3.

The function count() executes faster when given a criteria/value which is quicker to resolve in the sql processing mechanism.Thus, an integer or rowid are faster to resolve than an '*'which is a wild card symbol for all the colums in a table and hence it is more time consuming.
PROCEDURE overloading
date fuctions?Loops in plsql
Stringin()  function
case exp
Find 2nd,3 rd max sal
query to find a_bformat names
import and export
what is table space/
difference b/n having and where caluse?
 Dis advantages of cursor
bulk loader
bulk collect
exception concepts
triggers/instead of trigger
creation of  data base link
use of hint

What is directory?
What is external table?
What is sql * loader?