Tuesday 3 December 2013

'&' vs '&&' in ORACLE

“&” is used to create a temporary substitution variable. You will be prompted to enter the value every time the variable is referenced.
“&&” is used to create a permanent substitution variable. You need to enter the value only once.
1. Using ‘&’
SELECT ename FROM emp
    WHERE empno ='&emp'
Every time, you execute this select statement, you will have to pass the value of emp.

2. Using ‘&&’
Consider the following procedure.

SQL> set serveroutput on;
   v_ename VARCHAR2(10);
   v_job VARCHAR2(10);
   SELECT ename INTO v_ename FROM emp
   WHERE empno ='&&emp';
   SELECT job INTO v_job FROM emp
   WHERE empno='&emp';
Procedure created

This procedure fetches the employee name(ename) and employee designation(job)  from the emp table for a particular empno.
It will prompt for the empno only once as ‘&emp’ is used. In the next select statement,although a substitution variable is used, you will not be prompted to enter a value for emp.
The next time you execute the procedure,it will not prompt for the value to be passed.
If you need to pass a different value each time you run the procedure, then you will have to undefine the variable emp.
SQL> undefine emp;

AND then compile the procedure again. This will prompt for a new value to be passed.
If you just undefine the variable and execute the procedure, it will not prompt for a new value.
It is important to undefine and then recompile the procedure.

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