Saturday, 26 October 2013

Oracle Interview Questions 06

                                          Experienced PL/SQL programmer Question

Technical Interview Round

1.       Tell me about yourself?

2.      What is a partition in Oracle?

3.      What is a trigger in SQL?

4.      What are the differences between a procedure and function in SQL?

5.       What is an Explain Plan?
6.      Write a SQL query to find second maximum salary in each department of a Company.

7.       Write a SQL query to delete all duplicate records in a table

8.      What is mutating table?

Project Manager Interview Round:

1.       Tell me about yourself?

2.      Which technologies have you worked on in your previous companies?

3.      Would you like to work on Business Objects(BO)?

4.      Tell me the difference between Business Objects(BO) and Cognos?

HR Discussion Round:

1.       Why did you want to change your current job?

2.      Why do you think should you be selected for this position?

3.      How much salary are you expecting?


  1. This is really helpful for all oracle pl/sql interviewers...............

  2. send me interview papers.....
