Saturday, 1 June 2013

Oracle Interview Questions 01

                                       ORACLE FAQ’s
General Questions
§                     Tell us about yourself/ your background.?
§                     What are the three major characteristics that you bring to the job market?
§                     What motivates you to do a good job?
§                     What two or three things are most important to you at work?
§                     What qualities do you think are essential to be successful in this kind of work?
§                     What courses did you attend? What job certifications do you hold?
§                     What subjects/courses did you excel in? Why?
§                     What subjects/courses gave you trouble? Why?
§                     How does your previous work experience prepare you for this position?
§                     How do you define 'success'?
§                     What has been your most significant accomplishment to date?
§                     Describe a challenge you encountered and how you dealt with it.
§                     Describe a failure and how you dealt with it.
§                     Describe the 'ideal' job... the 'ideal' supervisor.
§                     What leadership roles have you held?
§                     What prejudices do you hold?
§                     What do you like to do in your spare time?
§                     What are your career goals (a) 3 years from now; (b) 10 years from now?
§                     How does this position match your career goals?
§                     What have you done in the past year to improve yourself?
§                     In what areas do you feel you need further education and training to be successful?
§                     What do you know about our company?
§                     Why do you want to work for this company. Why should we hire you?
§                     Where do you see yourself fitting in to this organization ...initially? 5 years?
§                     Why are you looking for a new job?
§                     How do you feel about re-locating?
§                     Are you willing to travel?
§                     What are your salary requirements?
§                     When would you be available to start if you were selected?